Coaching Performance

Olympic Gold Medalists Becky Kellar and Cheryl Pounder give a unique perspective into coaching/leadership.  As elite athletes and defense partners for over a decade, they have had the opportunity to work under various coaching styles.  

Cheryl and Becky provide valuable insight from the ‘other side’ and allow coaches/management an opportunity to hear ‘what worked’ and ‘didn’t work’ on their journey to excellence.  Cheryl and Becky have identified key messages thru the acronym COACH.

C - Communication
O - Observe & React
A - Accountability
C - Confidence and Value
H - Having Respect


Speaking Engagements

Becky is available to speak to businesses and other organizations about the journey to Olympic Gold.

It’s about the journey!  The journey to excellence is a process that requires us to challenge our limits, to find our passion, and believe in our abilities.

Through teamwork, leadership and dedication we can use each day to learn and grow on our path to Gold.

More Information

Contact Becky for More Information on Speaking Engagements